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Stamping Is My Business!: August 2011

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9 posts from August 2011

August 31, 2011

This Week's BSCG Hot Topics


Some great "Member's Only" training happening on the Business Stampers Coaching Group message board this week, including:

  • What To Include In Your Recruiting Packets
  • Strategies To Increase Your E-Mail Open Rates
  • 12 Weeks of Christmas Kick-Off!

Of course, this type of business-building training happens every week on the BSCG... WITHOUT all of the other off-topic, time-consuming dialogues that take place in other groups!

For those of you who don't know, the BSCG is the premier online Coaching Community for profit-driven, business-minded stamping business owners.

The Group is fantastic, and the content is killer.  In addition to the Message Board, which is where Members communicate, ask questions of me and fellow Members and receive tons of positive, professional support from like-minded business owners (and me), Members also receive:

  • Exclusive, monthly business-building webinars
  • Business-building How-To Videos every week
  • Weekly blog evaluation videos
  • Twice-weekly Coaching Challenges
  • Weekly writing prompts to help with your blogging
  • Motivational audio messages to start off every week
  • A private Twitter feed
  • A monthly Backlinks Packet to help build SEO for your blog
  • BSCG Fit Club
  • Hundreds of links to business-building articles to further your knowledge and education
  • Exclusive discounts on various SIMB products & services
  • AND... The Newsletter Co-Op - you write one article every month, and you gain access to over 60 others you can copy and paste into your monthly newsletter!

If you're on the fence about joining the BSCG, take the $1, 10-day trial.  If you don't think the information is worth the dirt-cheap monthly fee, or you can't benefit from it, just cancel before the 10 days are up and owe nothing.

To learn more or sign up, click here.

August 24, 2011

My Best Boot Camp Bonus Ever?

Watch the video below to learn more:

Click here to sign up for the Recruiting & Leadership Boot Camp!

Early Bird Through August 30th!

August 23, 2011

ANNOUNCING - The 2011 Recruiting & Leadership Boot Camp! Early Bird Begins NOW!!!

I'm happy to announce Early Bird Registration has opened for the 2011 Recruiting and Leadership Boot Camp!
The Boot Camp will take place on four consecutive Tuesdays, beginning September 6th, at 10 p.m.  (if you can't make the live webinars, don't worry... you'll have access to the recordings thru January 1st!).
Who is this Boot Camp for?
  • If you're not recruiting new Business-Builders into your downline every month (and you want to)...
  • If you're banging your head against the wall trying to get your downline to build their business...
...then this Boot Camp is for YOU!
The truth is, there's a  LOT you can do to effectively grow a business-building, profit-generating downline.  The steps are simple, straightforward and easily implemented once you know what they are.
This Boot Camp will teach you those steps!
Yesterday, on my Facebook page, I mentioned that I've come up with what I think is my best Boot Camp Bonus ever!  It's a tool you're all going to be able to use and I KNOW it will help you recruit more downline!
So, if you're ready to grow a Business-Building downline...
The Early Bird Discount period begins NOW! 
Hope to see you in the Boot Camp!

August 22, 2011

QUOTE OF THE WEEK - Loving What You Do

"The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play."

- Arnold Toynbee

August 11, 2011

Can You Guarantee Failure?


I see stamping business owners guarantee failure all the time.  They guarantee they're NOT going to grow their business.  They guarantee they're NOT going to make more money.  And they guarantee that, sooner or later, they're no longer going to be stamping business owners.


They give up before they even start!

For example, over the last week or two, I've heard from several stamping business owners who feel like qualifying for their company's incentive trip will never happen... so they've decided not to try!

My response to that is... WHY wouldn't you try???

Think about it... What's the worst that can happen?

Best-case scenario - you're sitting on a beach in Fiji.

Middle-of-the-road scenario - you're sitting on a beach in Hilton Head.

Worst-case scenario - You don't qualify for either trip, BUT you have a much more profitable, effective busuiness than you did before AND you're in a much better position to qualify next year!

The only option that GUARANTEES failure (and this is true in any business) is not trying at all!  Resigning yourself to failure and giving up before you start.

Why does this happen so much?  Often, people focus on the fact that they'll be disappointed in themselves if they fail... so to avoid that potential disappointment, they don't even try.

Personally, I'd feel more disappointed in myself for not trying.

If you feel like your business isn't growing at the rate it should, and you'd like some assistance in building a stronger business foundation, check out the Stamping Business Basics Program!  Just $7/month for 6 months, and full of the information and motivation you need to move your business in the right direction.




August 07, 2011

The 'I Need More Customers' Myth

One of the things I hear from Stamping Business Owners practically every day is:

"I need more customers!"

My response is almost always the same:

No you don't.  What you need are more of the right customers!

Probably one of the biggest reasons stamping business owners struggle is the customers and mailing list subscribers they have are not really helping them build a business that meets their needs and/or advances them efficiently toward their goals and objectives.

Think about it...

  • Is a customer who doesn't want to pre-pay for your classes helping you?
  • Is a customer who watches what you do, but then buys from Michaels really helping you?
  • Is a customer who thinks your prices are too high really helping you?

Of course not... but these are the customers most stamping business owners not only market to... but also continually cater to in their business!

How do you break this cycle, or avoid it entirely?

Be more specific when you're choosing your target audience!  Then, continue to laser in during the rest of the marketing process!

You won't get as many new mailing list subscribers, but you WILL get a higher percentage of people paying what you ask and actually contributing to the growth of your business.

Not only that, but you'll end up running a much more efficient business, as well.  Think about it... would you rather have 20 customers spending $100 each or 200 customers spending $10 each?

Targeting, marketing to and acquiring the right customers allows you to make at least as much money in significantly less time!

And THAT'S how you run an efficiently profitable business!

Please respond to the following question in the Comments section belowWhat percentage of subscribers on your mailing list have spent money with you in the last six months?

Finally... if you're looking for more help with this type of 'laser targeting,' you only have two days left to sign up for the Marketing and Advertising Boot Camp!  It starts Tuesday, August 9th, and there won't be another until 2012, so don't delay!

August 04, 2011

How To Deal With Mind-Boggling Marketing Multiples! Your Marketing Questions Answered - Part 1

Last week, I told you about the biggest marketing mistake business owners make.  In that post, I also asked you to tell me what your specific marketing struggles were.

Well, nearly two dozen of you responded, and I'm going to try and answer some of the questions you asked starting today!

One of the first responses was from Catherine, who wrote:

"The internet is a huge place and sometimes sometimes just finding those places to market is my struggle."

It's true that when you look at the internet as a whole, the marketing choices you face are endless, but if you're looking at the "internet" as a whole, you're probably making another of the most common marketing mistakes...

Putting the WHERE before the WHO!

Remember... it's all about the customer!  You have to define WHO you're marketing to before anything else.  If you do that well, you'll discover the internet isn't as big as you think. 


Because the only part of the internet you're interested in are the places where your WHO gathers almost exclusively, and in large groups.

By putting the WHO first, you've narrowed the entire internet down to just a handful of options!

Hope that helps!  And if you're interested in learning the step-by-step process for properly defining your WHO (and it is a process!), check out the Marketing and Advertising Boot Camp!  It starts next Tuesday, August 9th, and you only have until then to sign up! 

August 01, 2011

31-Hour Early Bird Warning for The Marketing & Advertising Boot Camp

Just a quick note to remind you that, if you haven't already registered, you only have 31 hours to take advantage of the Early Bird Discount for the 2011 Marketing & Advertising Boot Camp!
The Early Bird expires at the end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday).
You'll still be able to register after Tuesday, but you won't save the additional $10.
    * If you're having trouble identifying target audiences willing to spend money on you
    * If you don't know where to get in front of those audiences
    * If you don't know what to say to get them to step up and become your customers
I encourage you to sign up for this Boot Camp!
The Early Bird Discount period expires in just 31 hours! 
Hope to see you on the webinars!


"Your brand is what people say about you when you’re out of the room."

 ~ Unknown