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BSCG Newsletter Co-Op - New Members Being Accepted Now - Here's What One Member Has To Say... - Stamping Is My Business!

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March 02, 2011

BSCG Newsletter Co-Op - New Members Being Accepted Now - Here's What One Member Has To Say...


I wanted to share a great testimonial from BSCG Member Jill St. Angelo about the Newsletter Co-Op:

"I hated working on my newsletter because of the number of hours and DAYS I would spend putting it together.  Newsletter Co-Op... THANK YOU!  This was my first month with the Newsletter Co-op, and I have to say it is awesome. I got started on my March newsletter this morning (Feb. 22), and guess what???  I am DONE and already have it scheduled to be sent out in March. What a time saver this group is!"

If you're not familiar with the BSCG Newsletter Co-Op, here's how it works:

  • Each Co-Op Member is assigned a newsletter article to write
  • They submit the article to the Co-Op
  • They then have access to all of the other articles submitted that month
  • That means, you can write one article and have access to more than six dozen others
  • You don't have to give credit to the other Co-Op Members who write the articles
  • Because there are so many articles, Co-Op members each pick and choose their favorites, so no two newsletters are the same!

The Newsletter Co-Op is included in your Membership to the Business Stampers Coaching Group, along with daily business-building information, videos and challenges, exclusive conference calls, discounts and more!

If you're on the fence about joining the BSCG, take the $1, 10-day trial.  If you don't think the information is worth the dirt-cheap monthly fee, or you can't benefit from it, just cancel before the 10 days are up and owe nothing.

Registration for the March/April Newsletter Co-Op will be closing soon, so don't delay!

To learn more or sign up, click here.


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