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VIDEO - Facebook Privacy Settings Change AGAIN! Here's How To Keep Your Info Safe... - Stamping Is My Business!

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May 13, 2010

VIDEO - Facebook Privacy Settings Change AGAIN! Here's How To Keep Your Info Safe...

With the new 'Like' button, Facebook has once again changed and added to various privacy options. Unfortunately, many of these options default to no privacy at all!

This video is a step-by-step walk-through on how to keep your personal information on Facebook truly private:

If you found this video helpful, and you'd like more step-by-step video tutorials to help you establish a profitable presence for your business on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social networking sites, please register for the Social Networking Boot Camp, beginning this Tuesday.


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I saw someone's tweet that said there were 30 things to change with about 170 options. It didn't mention that you also had to check 10 or 15 places. It feels like I spent hours, and that was AFTER your video! Imagine how long it would have been if I'd stumbled through on my own!! Thanks so much!!!

Thanks for the information, it helps to stay on top of all the changes!

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