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5 Warning Signs of A Weak Social Media Strategy - Stamping Is My Business!

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May 12, 2010

5 Warning Signs of A Weak Social Media Strategy

Do You Have A Social Media Strategy? First, do you need a social media strategy?  In a nutshell... yes.  With hundreds of millions of our customers and potential customers on sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, ignoring social media is detrimental to the growth of your business.

However, just being on Facebook doesn't get the job done.  You have to make sure you have a strong, working social media strategy.  Otherwise, you can actually hurt, rather than help, your business.

So, how do you tell if your social media strategy is weak?  The good people at Social Media Today have put together the following list of warning signs:

1) Lack of Focus on a Few Social Networks

Pick the social networks you're going to establish a presence on and focus on them.

2) No Responsibility for Executing Social Media Activities

Consistency is key when it comes to updating your social networking sites.  Make sure you know who's responsible for that task.  It's probably you, but it could be your virtual assistant (if you have one).  Then, make sure the updates are being executed.

3) Daily Tasks are Not Aligned with Social Media Strategy

Make sure the tasks you're undertaking on your social networking sites are in line with the goals you'd like to accomplish through these sites.  For example, if you're trying to grow your customer base thru Twitter, make sure you're doing things every day to seek out those customers.

4) Metrics Are Not Being Measured

Pay attention to the results you're achieving on each site.  Figure out what works and what doesn't.  Then, focus more time on the strategies that work, while reducing or eliminating the strategies that do not.

5) There is No Social Media Strategy in the First Place!!

Establishing your presence on the social networking sites is just step one.  You will not gain the exposure or achieve the business-building benefits you're looking for until and unless you have a strong, executable social media strategy.

If this is an area you would like to expand into, and you're looking for some help, please consider signing up for the upcoming Social Networking Boot Camp, beginning Tuesday, May 18th.

You only have a few days left to register.

For more information, and/or to sign up, click here.


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