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Stamping Is My Business!: February 2010

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21 posts from February 2010

February 08, 2010

What The Business Stampers Are Talking About This Week...

Business Stampers Coaching Group

Here are this week's Trending Topics from the Message Board of the Business Stampers Coaching Group - the premier online community exclusively for business-minded stamping business owners:

  • Best Type of Workshop
  • Your Customer Re-Absorption System
  • How To Organize Incoming E-mails
  • Super Bowl Promtions
  • Using FB Business Pages
  • This month's Newsletter Co-op will have over 60 articles!

If building a profitable, sustainable stamping business is a priority for you, I encourage you to join us.

If you're not a BSCG Member yet, click here to learn more AND (if you'd like) take a 7-day free trial!

P.S.  One more thing... if you sign up today, you'll be able to take part in tonight's BSCG Members-Only Conference Call AND our Blog Post-A-Day Contest, starting tomorrow!

Quote of the Week - The Entreprenuerial Mind

"The mind of an entrepreneur is the mind of madness because what you are doing is that you are going against the grain. Everybody is telling you that you can't do it."

 - Andy Nulman, President, Airborne Mobile

February 07, 2010


Congratulations to the Saints and the residents of our second home, New Orleans, on their Super Bowl victory!

A few years ago, after Hurricane Katrina, it was hard to imagine the city would come back as fast and as far as it has.  Tonight just goes to show, no matter how bad things look, you never know what's waiting for you just around the corner.

February 04, 2010

SIMB February Newsletter - Staying Balanced and Getting Comfortable

Stamping Is My Business February Newsletter
The Stamping Is My Business! February Newsletter is here. This month's issue features:

  • February... The Most Profitable Month!
  • Uncomfortable Talking About Your Business?  You Can Learn A Lot From Children...
  • PRE-ORDER FREE SHIPPING SPECIAL - Quicken Tutorial DVD: How To Establish A Financial Management System For Your Stamping Business
  • How Do I Balance My Business Obligations With My Personal Ones?
  • The Newsletter Co-Op, Speed Coaching and YouTube Evaluation Videos - 3 MORE Features Added To The Business Stampers Coaching Group!
  • Book of the Month
In case you’re not on my mailing list and/or didn’t receive this already, here’s the link:

And if you’re NOT on my mailing list, you can add yourself by visiting:

February 02, 2010

10 Hours Left to Sign Up for SEO 2010! The Advanced Blogging & Social Networking Boot Camp

image from

You only have 10 hours left to sign up for SEO 2010!  The Advanced Blogging and Social Networking Boot Camp - How To Get FOUND On The Internet.

This Boot Camp is designed to teach you how to use advanced blogging and social networking  strategies... ESPECIALLY as they related to SEO - Search Engine Optimization... to start showing up in the top 10 results of Google, Yahoo and Bing traffic searches and generate more traffic to your blog, Facebook, Twitter and/or YouTube sites (all of which are now indexed by the search engines)!

We'll also discuss advanced conversion strategies to turn that traffic into participating (AND PAYING) customers!

If you already have a blog and/or social networking site, but you're not happy with the amount of traffic and/or revenue it's producing for your business, THIS is the Boot Camp you should look at.

For more information, or to sign up, visit:

Hope to see you on the calls!

February 01, 2010

Quote of the Week - Leadership

"The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision.  You can't blow an uncertain trumpet."

 - Theodore M. Hesburgh