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How To Write One Newsletter Article... And Have Access To Over Thirty! - Stamping Is My Business!

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December 10, 2009

How To Write One Newsletter Article... And Have Access To Over Thirty!

The Business Stampers Coaching Group Newsletter Co-Op is in full swing!  Over 30 BSCG Members have joined the Co-op so far and received their article assignments for their January newsletters.

Once they submit their article to the Co-op, they'll have access to over 30 other articles to pick and choose from for their newsletters!

And each of the articles are 'information,' not 'solicitation.'  That means Co-op Members are going to be able to achieve that important 65-35 info/solicitation split we always talk about with minimal effort!

Also, since so many people are participating in the Co-op, with so many articles to choose from each month, everyone's newsletter will still look different!

If you'd like to be part of the Newsletter Co-op beginning in January (for your February newsletter), all you have to do is be a Member of the Business Stampers Coaching Group, 

This is just one of the many services the BSCG offers its Members... on top of the heaping pile of other benefits!

And, right now, we're still offering the 'Free for the Rest of 2009' special!  Sign up now, and you get to try it out for free until the beginning of 2010!

For more information, or to sign up, visit The Business Stampers Coaching Group Information Page.


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