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Stamping Is My Business!: March 2009

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10 posts from March 2009

March 28, 2009

Early Bird Discount Deadline Extended to Monday!

Socialbootlogo Over the last couple of days, I've received several e-mails, text messages and (ironically) Tweets from stamping business owners who are in Hawaii for the SU incentive trip.  All of the messages asked me to extend the Early Bird Deadline for the Social Networking Boot Camp so they can sign up when they return over the weekend.

Rather than trying to keep track of who asked and who didn't, I'm just going to extend the Early Bird Discount until Monday.

So, if you haven't signed up for the Social Networking Boot Camp yet, you have until Monday if you'd like to receive the $10 Early Bird Discount.

For more information, visit:

P.S. If you don't get the Tweet joke in the first paragraph, you should definitely take this Boot Camp. :-)

March 26, 2009

Twitter Usage Explodes in February!

Twitter_logoIt's official!  Twitter is the next big thing!

According to a recent report by ComScore, Twitter usage surged to 9.8 million users in February. 

That's up from 6.1 million users in January!  A HUGE level of growth for just one month!

And more than 7X as many users as one year ago.

There's no question Twitter has become a viable marketing resource for businesses. 

Are you using Twitter to promote your stamping business?  Do you know how?

If not, you may want to look at the Social Networking Boot Camp, starting April 7th.  Early Bird Discount expires Friday!


March 25, 2009

Is the New Facebook Design the "New Coke" of the 21st Century?

(from the blog,

"Reports from various sources indicate that not only is Facebook not planning to change the new layout but also there is a rumor that CEO/Wunderkind Mark Zuckerberg has advised FB employees that it is not smart to listen to your customers. From Gawker:

A tipster tells us that Zuckerberg sent an email to Facebook staff reacting to criticism of the changes: “He said something like ‘the most disruptive companies don’t listen to their customers.’” Another tipster who has seen the email says Zuckerberg implied that companies were “stupid” for “listening to their customers.”

Zuckerberg and FB’s less than subtle launch of the new layout (ever heard of Beta?) and their stubbornness in listening to their customers may highlight the weakness of Digital Age billion dollar businesses. You may be leading us into this brave new world but there is a lot to be learned from your history. Just because you deal in html code and group sourcing and not caramel coloring and tin does not mean you are immune to an all out customer revolt a la New Coke back in the 80’s.

The lesson here? Do not underestimate your customer’s attachment to your product.
Do not underestimate how your competitors will pounce on this weakness. Coke lost significant market share to Pepsi. It still has not regained all of it."

If you'd like to learn more about Facebook and Social Network, join us for the Social Networking Boot Camp, beginning April 7th.  Early Bird Discount expires Friday.

And, speaking of Social Networking, don't forget to become a SIMB Fan on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.


March 24, 2009

The Social Networking Boot Camp - Early Bird Expires Friday


I'm happy to annouce the the first-ever Social Networking Boot Camp!

Social Networking has seen a tremendous surge in the number of users over the last year.  In fact, a study released last week by Nielsen shows that social networking is now more popular than e-mail!

Businesses are just starting to catch on and you have an opportunity to start utilizing these powerful tools before almost anyone else! 

Imagine if you started your blog in 2005, before almost anyone else, with all of the knowledge you needed to make it a powerful business tool.  Imagine the competitive advantage you would have had over your colleagues.

This is the opportunity you have when it comes to Social Networking!

The Social Networking Boot Camp will show you how to take full advantage of all of the tools each of these sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) offer to promote your BUSINESS to the fullest

You'll learn how to avoid the mistakes that many stamping business owners who are already socially networking are currently making.

For more information, click here or click the logo above.

March 12, 2009

Blogs More Popular Than E-mail!

Nielsen_logo According to a report just released by Nielsen Online, blogs and social media have become more popular than e-mail!

The new study reveals that 66.8% of global internet users accessed blogs and other social media sites, compared to 65.1% for e-mail!

Assuming this trend continues, these statistics, indicitive of the evolution from a Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 world, may have significant implications for your future marketing plans, especially e-mail marketing.

Do find yourself communicating less and less through e-mail?  If so, how are you communicating online with friends, family and professional colleagues?  Let us know by leaving a message in the Comments section below.

Try the Business Stampers Coaching Group for 7 Days... FREE!

The Business Stampers Coaching Group 


Because you asked for it, I'm happy to announce that you can now take a 7-day FREE trial of the Business Stampers Coaching Group - the online Coaching Community exclusively for business-minded, budget-conscious stamping business owners!


You'll be granted full access and all Membership Benefits during those 7 days.  This includes:

  • the weekly Coaching Challenges

  • the How-To Videos

  • Motivational Audio Messages

  • Video Blog and Newsletter Evaluations

  • the 'Coach In My Pocket' Twitter service

  • all of the business-building information I and other Members have shared on the Message Board

AND if you take the 7-Day Trial now, you'll also be able to particpate in our monthly conference call, which happens next Monday.  This month's topic - "Recruiting In A Recession!"


Use the link below to take the 7-day Trial.  Spend that time really getting a feel for what BSCG is about.  If you don't find it to your liking, just let me know and we'll cancel your Membership.


I'm confident, though, once you see the enormous value the BSCG has to offer you and your business, you'll stick around for a long time!


Follow the link below to start your 7-day complimentary trial.


When you think about it... what do you have to lose?

March 07, 2009

Daylight Savings Time Begins

Daylightsavings Don't forget... Daylight Savings Time begins in North America on Sunday at 2:00 a.m.  Spring forward!

March 05, 2009


This month's newsletter features:

  • With the Economy In Such Bad Shape, Should I Continue to Recruit?
  • How to Get The Most Out Of Sale-A-Bration
  • Take Your Business to the Next Level with the Business Stampers Coaching Group
  • Bad Idea of the Month - It's A Tie!
  • Book of the Month

In case you're not on my mailing list, you can view the newsletter online by clicking the logo above or just clicking here.

And if you'd like to subscribe to my mailing list, you can do so by clicking here.

March 04, 2009

Buy-ology - Truth & Lies About Why We Buy

Martin Lindstrom has written a very interesting book about the ways various marketing strategies impact how we spend our money.  The Today Show recently featured several segments based on his book.  Here are two of them:

March 02, 2009

Quote of the Week

"Simplicity is a powerful force, and it can be hard for people like entrepreneurs, who always have a lot to say, to master it."

 - Dan Heath, Co-Author, Made to Stick