Thinking About Linking? Here's why you shouldn't...
There's been a bunch of discussion recently about whether or not you should post link to other Stamping Business Owners' blogs on your blog, in exchange for them posting a link to you on theirs. These 'blog rolls' are quite popular, as they embody the sharing spirit that makes this community a special one.
However, these types of links are a bad idea for two big reasons (one obvious... the other one... maybe not so obvious):
1. You are sending your customers to your competition. Don't think for a second they're always going to come back to you to place the order with you for whatever they saw on someone else's blog. They won't. I can give you example after example of times where my clients have gotten orders from new customers because of something found on their blog, in spite of the fact that customer already had a regular demo/consultant. 2. You are hurting your search engine rankings. In the old days, search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.) would award a higher ranking to sites with multiple links pointing to them, regardless of whether or not your site had a link pointing back. Now, however, not only do these "reciprocal links" no longer contribute positively to your rankings, they could actually hurt them. If more than 30% of the links on your blog are reciprocal, your site may actually have a lower search engine ranking. From a practical business, as well as a good SEO (search engine optimization) standpoint, these types of links are NOT recommended.