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Stamping Is My Business!: August 2008

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18 posts from August 2008

August 04, 2008

Quote of the Week

"It is a widely held truism that entrepreneurs tend to be far better at creating personal wealth than managing it."

Jon Gertner, Contributing Writer, Inc.

August 02, 2008

The Summer's Silliest Advertising

Yesterday's New York Times had a review of this summer's best (and worst) creative advertising so far. 

Summer Silliness Brings a Pizza Field and a Giant Oreo
Published: August 1, 2008
Outdoors advertising is a growing category -- not just billboards, but increasingly, weird publicity stunts that often go awry...

To read the full article, click here.

August 01, 2008

GIVE AWAY the Catalog... Spend Money To Make Money!

It's new catty season for most stamping business owners.  That means, it's also time for me to make my regular plea to all of you to give away (not sell, not reward) the catalog to your customers.

If it doesn't make sense to you, read the following article... and maybe it will.


by John Sanpietro

The following was posted on 6/6/07 as a response to various comments on SUDSOL about the wisdom of giving out the catalog.

Hi everyone,

Every year when I suggest giving the catalog away for free, it stirs up a hornets nest of conversation and controversy.  Of all of the things I say, this is the one that meets the most resistance, even from some of my most supportive clients.  So, I wanted to take a break from “stuffing my pockets with your $5 bills” (my new favorite comment, by the way J) and take some time to write this to make sure you understand the idea in full, and the reasoning behind it.  This is a lengthy post, but I would ask that you take a moment to read it in its entirety.

The question is… why?  Why does the idea of giving away the catalog strike such a nerve? 

To read more, click here...