SU or UL? Why "AND" Doesn't Make Sense
Today, July 1st, is the day SU Demos who have also signed up with Uppercase Living have to decide which company they want to stay with. Since SU is now offering the Decor Elements line, UL is now a direct competitor. Hence, SU Demos can no longer be affiliated with that company.
The larger issue here, though, is why anyone would sign up with two direct sales companies at the same time. It's a bad idea on several levels:
- You're not giving yourself the best chance of success in either company. Think about it... if you're splitting your time between two companies, then you can't give 100% to either one.
- It's a self-sabotaging move. Your downline look up to you. They may even want to be you. Many of them signed up under you because they wanted the success you had. So, what message are you sending to your downline when you sign up with another DS company? What are they going to think? "Well, if my upline needs to sign up with another company, with all of her success, then what chance to I have?"
So, not only are you hurting your once-successful business directly because you can't put as much time into it, but you're hurting it indirectly, as well, by demotivating your downline.
No matter how you slice it, two is definitely NOT better than one.